2 ABAC TECH 100% DUTY CYCLE The ABAC Tech compressor range of air compressors has been developed to maximise efficiency and minimise downtime in your workplace by providing air on demand, whenever you need it. Max Design Temperature ON OFF S3-50% S1 50% 50% Max Design Temperature Compression Temperature Compression Temperature Operating Time Operating Time What is a ‘duty cycle’? Air compressor duty cycles are easy to understand but often difficult to read because there are no universal characters to represent these values among compressor manufacturers. Simply put, an air compressor duty cycle is the amount of time a compressor will deliver pressurised air within a total cycle time. If listed as a percentage, you can simply take the number of seconds or minutes the figure represents and subtract that from the total cycle time. When listed as a percentage, the duty cycle is equal to the compressor’s run time divided by the total cycle time. So, this percentage equates to the amount of time you can keep the compressor on, plus the corresponding cool-down duration. For example, a compressor with a 50% duty cycle will need 30 minutes off for every 30 minutes on. In general, the duty cycle formula often used for calculation is expressed as Compressor time on / (time on + time off) = Duty Cycle percentage. Continuous duty cycles Continuous duty cycles provide constant power to machinery and tools without any downtime, which improves productivity. Particularly in manufacturing environments, this is a major benefit. However, in some industries, air compressors with intermittent duty cycles are sufficient, as air is not needed continuously. It all depends on the application and size of the tools being used and our experts can advise on the most suitable products.
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